Saturday , March 15 2025

Medlemmar hoppar av Priest

Den hyllade svenska elektroniska trion Priest med medlemmar från gruppen Ghost är nu i spillror.  Flera av medlemmarna har lämnat gruppen och kvar finns endast karaktären Salt. Medlemmarna Mercury och Sulphur har meddelat att de hoppar av gruppen.  

Bandet Priest har hyllats och prisats för sitt debutalbum New Flesh som släpptes 2017. Efter meddelanden om avhoppen av medlemmarna Mercury och Sulphur har kommentarerna från fans varit många. Gruppen kommenterar dock lugnande på sin Facebooksida att den omfattande turnén som är planerad i vår blir av trots att gruppens sångare lämnat. Även gruppens nya EP Obey släpps som planerat den 29 mars.

Priest officiella Facebook-konto kommenterar händelsen
Tom Åsberg, AKA “Mercury” is no longer a part of the group, as well as “Sulphur” (Alex Högberg). But fear not, humans! The band will carry on and “Obey” is still coming.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank both Tom and Alex for their hard work and dedication over the past 3 years- without them, none of this would be possible. We wish them nothing but the best in their future endeavours. As for the future of the band, all gigs will continue as planned. Priest will never stop.

Angående sitt avhopp skriver Tom Åsberg på Instagram (alias Mercury )
It is with a heavy heart that I hereby announce that I’m no longer playing the character known as “Mercury” in the band Priest.

For personal reasons, the original group has broken up, with both me and the man behind the character of “Sulfur” choosing to take different paths in the world of music and art.
The years with Priest were truly amazing, and I’ll cherish the memories and experiences for life.
In the moment of writing, I’m declining all interviews and questions regarding further details into this matter.

To the fans, thank you so much for your undying love and support! You are the reason to why all of this was made possible, and I stand in awe of your burning passion. For those of you wanting to follow Priest in the band’s future exploits, you shall not be disappointed.

To my band brothers, it’s been an honor to serve with you, the crew, and all others who aided our journey over the years.

Priest will be releasing its upcoming EP “Obey” on March the 29th. I could not be more proud to be a part of it. Thank you, humans, for listening to my sermon.

Your Priest, Tom Åsberg 


Se videon till nya singeln “Obey” som finns ut nu.

Om Petter Jahnstedt

Har varit med sedan tidningens start och älskar fortfarande att upptäcka ny musik – allt från mörk, gotisk rock till dagens glittrande hitlistemusik.

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