Thursday , March 13 2025

Pet Shop Boys Catalogue: 1985-2012

Pet Shop Boys samlade Parlophone-produktion återutges.

Pet Shop Boys offentliggör Catalogue 1985-2012, som kompletterar Further Listening-serien från 2001.

Alla gruppens album på Parlophone kommer att ges ut i remastrat format med b-sidor, mixar, demoversioner och helt outgivna låtar samt ett häfte där Neil Tennant och Chris Lowe diskuterar varje spår.

De första släppen i serien blir Nightlife (1999), Release (2002) och Fundamental (2006), som finns ute den 28 juli.

De följs senare av Further Listening-utgåvorna från 2001 av Please (1986), Actually (1987), Introspective (1988), Behaviour (1990), Very (1993) och Bilingual (1996) i ny remaster men med samma innehåll som de hade då.

Albumen kommer även att finnas på 180-gramsvinyl.

Se en trailer ovan och läs innehållsförteckningarna för Nightlife, Release och Fundamental nedan.

Nightlife/Further listening: 1996-2000
1. For your own good
2. Closer to Heaven
3. I don’t know what you want but I can’t give it any more
4. Happiness is an option
5. You only tell me you love me when you’re drunk
6. Vampires
7. Radiophonic
8. The only one
9. Boy Strange
10. In denial
11. New York City boy
12. Footsteps
1. Vampires (demo)*
2. For all of us (demo)*
3. Call me old-fashioned (demo)*
4. Friendly fire
5. Believe/Song For Guy (featuring Elton John)*
6. Sail Away
7. It doesn’t often snow at Christmas (Fan club mix)
8. Nightlife
9. Playing in the streets*
10. Tall thin men*
11. Radiophonic (demo)*
1. Somebody else’s business
2. Silver age
3. Screaming
4. For all of us**
5. The ghost of myself
6. Casting a shadow
7. I don’t know what you want but I can’t give it any more (The PSB Extension): 8.39
8. Was it worth it? (live)**
9. Lies
10. Paris city boy (Full French)*
11. Positive role model
12. Somebody else’s business (extended mix)**
* Previously unreleased
**Previously unreleased on CD

Release/Further listening: 2001-2004
1. Home and dry
2. I get along
3. Birthday Boy
4. London
5. E-mail
6. The samurai in autumn
7. Love is a catastrophe
8. Here
9. The night I fell in love
10. You choose
1. Between two islands
2. Searching for the face of Jesus
3. Time on my hands
4. Motoring (demo)*
5. Love life**
6. Transparent
7. Sexy Northerner
8. The night is a time to explore who you are (demo)*
9. Closer to Heaven (slow version)
10. Run, girl, run (demo)*
11. I didn’t get where I am today
12. Always
13. Home and dry (ambient mix)
14. Bright young things (demo)*
15. Kazak*
16. A powerful friend (John Peel version)*
17. If looks could kill (John Peel version)*
1. Try it (I’m in love with a married man)
2. Here (PSB new extended mix)
3. If looks could kill
4. A powerful friend**
5. Party song
6. No excuse (demo)*
7. Blue on blue
8. Jack and Jill party (demo)*
9. Baby (demo)
10. Flamboyant (original demo)
11. Miracles
12. Flamboyant (7” mix)
13. Numb (demo)
14. In private (featuring Elton John)
15. Alone again, naturally (featuring Elton John)*
16. Reunion (Electro mix)*
17. Bright young things
18. We’re the Pet Shop Boys
19. It’s a sin (Barfly version)
* Previously unreleased
** Previously unreleased on CD

Fundamental/Further listening: 2005-2007
1. Psychological
2. The Sodom and Gomorrah Show
3. I made my excuses and left
4. Minimal
5. Numb
6. God willing
7. Luna Park
8. I’m with Stupid
9. Casanova in Hell
10. Twentieth century
11. Indefinite leave to remain
12. Integral
1. Fugitive (Richard X extended mix)
2. Ring road (demo)*
3. The performance of my life (demo)*
4. One-way street (demo)*
5. Girls don’t cry
6. The Resurrectionist
7. The Sodom and Gomorrah Show (original demo)**
8. Dancing in the dusk (demo)*
9. After the event
10. The former enfant terrible
11. No time for tears (orchestral mix)*
12. God willing (original full-length mix)*
13. I’m with Stupid (PSB maxi-mix)
14. Answer the phone! (ringtone)**
15. Where are you? (ringtone)**
16. Water (ringtone)**
17. Numb (single edit)
18. One night
19. A certain “Je ne sais quoi”
20. Transfer (Visionaire mix)*
21. Integral (PSB Perfect Immaculate 7” mix)**
22. Integral (PSB Perfect Immaculate mix)
* Previously unreleased
** Previously unreleased on CD

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RIP 1972 - 2020 "A truly charming journalist" – Ray Cokes (MTV)

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